Today I went on a once in a lifetime experience. I got to ride elephants in water, I got to ride them just alone, I got to wash them and got breakfast. All in one package! I also got to see a talent show of the elephants. I learned the elephants were rescued from Sumatra. Some died on the journey here (Ubud, Bali) sadly. They had four baby elephants and 37 elephants in all at the park. 10 elephants were boys. Here is me riding an elephant in the water.
Me and mom having fun on our elephant ride. Elephants eat a lot! They eat 250kg of food a day. As the trainer told me: "big in!! BIG OUT!!!!" They poop is huge.
I was at the elephant talent show. They asked me to come hold the possible answers to math problems the elephant had to solve. The elephant got it right. I wish I had one of those at home to help me with my math.
Today I felt empathetic for the elephants that got hurt. But they can still do all this stuff.